Coming from being a strength athlete gives me an interesting perspective on martial arts and combat sports. As someone who relied on my strength to get me out of tricky situations, technique was never a huge concern for me. When you’re benching almost 400lbs and squatting 600, it’s hard to not feel like you can push, punch, kick, or squeeze yourself out of pretty much any situation.
Then I found Jiu Jitsu at Mat Lab.
I won’t lie to you and say strength is unimportant in the world of BJJ or fighting, but I have definitely noticed it doesn’t mean very much. I’ve rolled with plenty of guys smaller than me with less strength and been beaten to grips, had my guard broken, and even been submitted. That’s the thing about Jiu Jitsu - it puts people on a level playing field. It doesn’t matter how strong you are, how much money you make, or even if you’re male or female; when you’re on the mat the thing that matters more than anything is technique.
I think that’s one of the reasons people tend to become close like a family in gyms. You have this mixing pot of people from all different backgrounds coming to one place to do one thing, and we all start at the same place. That’s the equalizing factor. I’ve come a long way in my few weeks training, and I have a long way to go. I’ve certainly learned a lot of Jiu Jitsu along the way, but I’ve also learned humility and patience.
I look forward to meeting my peers on the mats, learning, and refining my technique every day. It’s seriously the highlight of my week. Thanks for reading, I’ll see you on the mats!